Giftedness in Early Childhood Education
The interview process and the presentation
The interview process is going well. I interviewed a primary gifted teacher. She works with kindergarten, first and second grade students. Currently she teaches 12 first graders and 5 second graders. Through the interview process, I learned her view on the placement of students in the gifted program. The most fascinating information gathered was her challenge and triumph which happened to be the same. The educator worked with an emotionally behavioral distributed (EBD) gifted student. She learned how to deal with his behaviors and gifts. After seeing the change in the student during the two years, he became her triumph. The key to the successful interview was providing the questions ahead of time.
My second interview will occur next week with the district placement specialist. I hope to gather information on the identification of gifted children to include the Plan B which deals with placing low socioeconomic and second language learners. I will also inquire about parents’ perceptions in placing students in a specialized program. My other goal is to gather information on resources that are available in the community to assist families with young gifted children. I have sent the questions to the interviewee and believe this interaction will be quite informative.
My course project to date, giftedness in early childhood education, is still in the thought processes. I have successfully completed 3 out of the 4 annotated bibliographies. I must admit finding current research in the specified areas, within the last five years, has been challenging. Between the literature review, a few books on giftedness and the interviews I believe I have what it takes to complete the written assignment. My question or concern deals with developing the presentation with audio narration. I am not that comfortable with technology. I will let you know I contacted student services at the beginning of the course to find out about Kaltura media. I was informed the only way to access was through an assignment box. You can save the information without submitting. What program or programs are you using to develop the presentation? Are any more user friendly than others? Thank you for any support.